Very rewarding case of a revision rhinoplasty 6 month post operatively. This wonderful woman had a prior surgery that left her with a pollybeak deformity and nasal septal perforation.
Pollybeak deformity refers to excess tissue over the “supratip” area (region over the bridge of the nose right before the nasal tip). It’s name is derived from the beak-like shape of the nose. This usually occurs from prior rhinoplasty surgery, and can happen when dorsal humps are aggressively taken down without accounting for skin redraping. Patients subsequently develop excess scar tissue underneath the skin that gives the characteristic appearance. Other causes include inadequate dorsal hump reduction, as well as failed corrective surgery of a “tension” tip deformity.
She elected to undergo revision rhinoplasty with her own rib for aesthetic and functional purposes. The prior surgery also had left her with a large hole in her septum, for which she also underwent flap reconstruction for closure.