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Research And Publications

Moustafa Mourad, MD, is board-certified in head and neck surgery and highly-trained in cosmetic plastic surgery and facial reconstruction. He treats many conditions, both cosmetic and complex, that affect the head, neck and entire facial area. Dr. Mourad was then selected from hundreds of exceptional candidates to complete an additional year of aesthetic and advanced facial plastics and reconstructive surgery training with the world-renowned surgeon Dr. Yadranko Ducic. While there, Dr. Mourad intentionally fine-tuned his skills to better provide an exceptional level of care for his New York City patients.

Dr. Mourad’s research and publications includes a number of distinguished awards, including the J. Swift Hanley Memorial Award for excellence in head and neck oncology research. He has also published dozens of scientific papers and chapters in academic texts. His work includes advanced research in areas such as head and neck oncology and microvascular reconstruction of the head and neck.

Research and Publications: Reconstruction Publications

Dr. Mourads Research and Publications

Kadakia S, Ducic Y, Marra D, Chan D, Sawhney R, and Mourad MW. Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma of the scalp in the immunocompromised patient: review of 53 cases. Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 2016 Jun;20(2):171-5. Link to Article.

Dr. Mourads Research and Publications

Mourad M, Arnaoutakis D, Sawahney R, Ducic Y. Use of the Giant Bilobed Flap in Head and Neck Reconstruction. Facial Plastics Surgery. 2016 Jun;32(3):320-324. Link to Article.

Dr. Mourads Research and Publications

Kadakia S, Mourad MW, and Ducic Y. Supraclavicular Flap Reconstruction of Cutaneous Defects Has Lower Complication Rate than Mucosal Defects. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery. 2017 May; 33(4):275-280. Link to Article.

Dr. Mourads Research and Publications

Sami P. Moubayed MD Antoine Eskander MD, ScM Moustafa W. Mourad MD Sam P. Most MD. Systematic Review And Meta‐Analysis Of Venous Thromboembolism In Otolaryngology-Head And Neck Surgery. Head & Neck. 2017 Jun; 39: 1249–1258. Link to Article.

Moustafa Mourad MD, Masoud Saman MD, David Stroman MD, Thomas Lee MD, Yadranko Ducic MD. Carotid Artery Sacrifice and Reconstruction in the Setting of Advanced Head and Neck Cancer. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. 2015 Aug;153(2):225-30. Link to Article.

Moubayed S.P., Mourad M., Urken M.L. What Are the Optimal Monitoring Techniques in Head and Neck Microvascular Reconstruction?. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 2016; 78:241-244. Link to Article.

Okay D, AlShetawi H, Mourad MW, Dewey E, Buchbinder D, Urken M, Moubayed S. Worldwide 10-Year Systematic Review of Treatment Trends in Fibula Free Flap for Mandibular Reconstruction. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2016 Dec;74(12):2526-2531. Link to Article.

Moustafa Mourad, Aurora Vincent, Jared Inman, Yadranko Ducic.  Safe autologous rib harvest in patients with breast implants; technique and review. JPRAS Open. 2020 Jun, 24:(1-6). Link To Article.

Peleman, J. R., Chung, M. T., Johnson, J., Rayess, H., Priest, C. R., Hojjat, H., Mourad, M., Carron, M. A., & Vasconez, H. C. (2020). Surgical Adjuncts to Rhinoplasty: An Algorithmic Approach. Aesthetic plastic surgery, 10.1007/s00266-020-01744-9. Link to Article.

Research and Publications: Thyroid and Parathyroid Publications

Moustafa Mourad MD Masoud Saman MD Raja Sawhney MD Yadranko Ducic MD. Management Of The Thyroid Gland During Total Laryngectomy In Patients With Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Laryngoscope. 2015 Aug; 125:1835–1838. Link to Article.

Mourad M, Kadakia S, Jateganokar A, Gordin E, and Ducic Y. Intraoperative Nerve Monitoring During Parathyroid Surgery: The Fort Worth Experience. Head & Neck. 2017 Aug;39(8): 1662-1664. Link to Article.

Kadakia S, Mourad M, Hu S, Brown R, Lee T, and Ducic Y. Utility of intraoperative nerve monitoring in thyroid surgery: 20-year experience with 1418 cases. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2017 Sep;21(3):335-339. Link to Article.

Mourad M, Mourad Y, Dezube A, Torreblanca-zanca A, and Cancilla J. Use of Artificial Neural Networks in Predicting Thyroid Cancer Related Death. Presented at: IFNHOS 6th World Congress of the International Federation of Head and Neck Oncological Societies.. . 2018 Sep 1-4; Buenos Aires, Argentina. Link to Article.

Mouard M and Sadoughi B. Transcervical Conservation Laryngeal Surgery: An Anatomic Understanding to Enhance Functional and Oncologic Outcomes. Otolaryngol Clinic North Am. 2015 Aug;48(4):703-15. Link to Article.

Moustafa W Mourad, M. Z. Mat Saman, Yadranko Ducic. Internal to External Jugular Vein Bypass Allowing for Simultaneous Bilateral Radical Neck Dissection. Laryngoscope. 2015 Nov;125(11):2480-4. Link to Article.

Mourad, M., Moubayed, S., Dezube, A. et al. Machine Learning and Feature Selection Applied to SEER Data to Reliably Assess Thyroid Cancer Prognosis. Sci Rep 10, 5176 (2020). Link to Article.

Research and Publications: Skull Base Trauma and Surgery Publications

Moustafa Mourad, Jared C. Inman, David M. Chan, Yadranko Ducic. Contemporary Trends in the Management of Posttraumatic Cerebrospinal Fluid Leaks. Cranial Maxillofac Trauma Reconstruction. 2018; 11(01): 071-077. Link to Article.

Mourad M, Chan D, Ducic Y. Surgical Management of Extracranial Meningiomas Arising in the Head and Neck. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2016 Sep; 74(9): 1872-78. Link to Article.

Kadakia S, Chan D, Ducic Y, Cristobal R, and Mourad MW. Increased local recurrence in advanced parotid malignancy treated with mastoidectomy without lateral temporal bone resection. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 30 Sep 2016, 21(1):7-11. Link to Article.

Mofiyinfolu Sokoya, Mourad M, and Ducic Y. Complications of Skull Base Surgery. Semin Plast Surg. 2017 Nov; 31(4): 227–230. Link to Article.

Kadakia S, Badhey A, Inman J, Mourad M, and Ducic Y. Surgical management of temporal bone osteoradionecrosis: Single surgeon experience of 47 cases. American Journal of Otolaryngology. 2017 Nov-Dec; 38(6):688-91. Link to Article.

Mofiyinfolu Sokoya, Arash Bahrami, Jason Cohn, Sameep Kadakia, Moustafa Mourad, Yadranko Ducic. Orbital Skull Base Reconstruction with Temporalis Muscle: The Sphenoid Keyhole Technique. CMTR Open. 2018; 02(01): e27-e30. Link to Article.

Lee T, Wang L, Han R, Mourad M, and Ducic Y. Options in Repositioning the Asymmetric Brow from Paralysis and Trauma. Thieme Medical Publishers. 2017; 33(06): 627-638. Link to Article.

Aurora G. Vincent, MD, Sangati Kadakia, BS, Jerry Barker, MD, Moustafa Mourad, MD,
Masoud Saman, MD, Yadranko Ducic, MD, FRCS(C), FACS. Management of Facial Scars. Facial Plast Surg. 2019;35:666–671. Link to Article.

Research and Publications: Academic Work and Publications

Moubayed S, Mourad MW, Lee T, and Ducic Y. An Overview of Regional Tissue Transfer for Head and Neck Reconstruction. Head and Neck Cancer. 2016 Feb. Link to Article.

Mourad MW, Moubayed S, Inman J, and Ducic Y. Microvascular Reconstruction of the Head and Neck. Head and Neck Cancer. 2016 Feb. Link to Article.

Mourad M, Moubayed SP, Likhterov I, Urken M. The Clinical Understaging of Recurrent Glottic Carcinoma after Radiation Failure. Case Rep Otolaryngol. 2016;2016:2706463. Link to Article.

Mourad M, Vincent A, and Ducic Y. Safe Autologous Rib Harvest in Patients with Breast Implants. Presented at: 12th International Symposium of Facial Plastic Surgery. 2018 October 18; Dallas, TX, USA. Link to Article.

Dr. Mourad has a commitment to providing comprehensive cancer care and has created and pioneered an online platform to help patients with cancer. Learn More.